Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm living somewhere between 2000 and 2002, I think

So since Dr. J decided to go out of town for five days, I decided to start up The Gilmore Girls Season 1, which I had borrowed from a friend. I indulged in way too many days of that and once Dr. J returned, we've been catching up on all the Season 2 Episodes of 24 that TiVo'd while I was out with The Girls. I know I'm way late on both these bandwagons, and I have no one to vent my frustration with about how oblivious Laureli is to Luke's interest because everyone else is literally years ahead of me. It does calm me down to know that L.A. is not going to be melted by a nuclear bomb since I have definitely seen Jack, Tony and the gang in random Day 4 episodes. Helps me sleep better.


Hachie Gal said...

No worries...Lorelei sees the error of her ways, and what a kiss it is (i.e. Like plasy one one). Still....you have a few seasons to go yet, my friend.

Hachie Gal said...

typo....(i.e. Luke lays one on). Sorry...

Susie the Bear said...

Enjoy the wonderfullness of the early seasons! Though I am still a loyal and devoted watcher, I spent last season feeling very grumpy at Rory...and this year I think Alexis Bledel's acting skills have taken a serious nose dive.

Hachie Gal said...

Speaking of Alexis Bledel, I did not know she had a VERY small role in Bride and Prejudice....just a little trivia for you all...

Susie the Bear said...

Very interesting. Been meaning to rent that...

Missy said...

V. interesting ... I did not know that either. That's a classy typo, btw.