Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I am proud of all of you, but that doesn't mean i don't think you're crazy, cause I do

This weekend, I have two friends in the St. Louis Marathon, one (maybe two!?) in the St. Louis Half Marathon, one in the Paris Marathon, and one in the Ironman in Arizona. Good luck to you all!!!

Wow. You'd think with all those good examples around me, I'd be a pillar of athleticism and good health.

You'd be wrong though. Dr. J and I have decided we are going to split a pan of turtle brownies and then take an absurdly long nap on Sunday in your honor.

Run like the wind!!


Anonymous said...

Unless you already counted him, you have THREE friends in the StL marathon, as Mark (my dh) is running it as well. And, yes, I agree they are all crazy. :)

Hachie Gal said...

I know...I get that all the time (spoken by the Paris Marathoner). I'll finish but the time won't be pretty...never is...This will be #11. Maybe will even be doing Dusseldorf in May?????

Missy said...

wow! I was not counting him! Good luck to Mark as well! So many people to root for, so many brownies to eat. Maybe we should have one brownie and one glass of milk in honors of each of our participants. Although, at this rate, I think I'll be sick by early afternoon...